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The main areas of my work include:


  • orthopedic symptoms (such as lumbar spine, hips, knees, ...)

  • Therapy after sports injuries, accidents / operations

  • chronic pain

  • Restrictions in movement due to neurological diseases

  • Complaints of gynecological origin






  • Myofascial trigger point therapy (pain therapy)

  • Mulligan concept

  • Segmental stabilization of the joints

  • osteopathic techniques / visceral therapy

  • functional training therapy

  • Pelvic floor training

  • Relaxation techniques

  • Kinesio taping

  • Home visits for remobilization after operations or accidents and for long-term care

The following methods are used in my therapy:


In practice, I work with my colleague Astrid Focke . She specializes in the head and neck region (vertigo/ dizziness / tinnitus, headaches and complaints of the cervical spine).

In practice, I work with my colleague Astrid Focke . She specializes in the head and neck region (vertigo/ dizziness / tinnitus, headaches and complaints of the cervical spine).

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